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Version: 1.7.0

Installing SparseZoo

SparseZoo is Neural Magic's repository of pre-sparsified deep learning models across various domains, such as computer vision and NLP. The easiest way to access and use these models is through:

  • SparseML: For model optimization, integration into your training pipelines
  • DeepSparse: For high-performance deployment of sparsified models


Hardware Requirements

  • CPU: Intel, AMD, or ARM

Software Requirements

  • OS: Linux (e.g., Ubuntu, CentOS, Red Hat); MacOS (limited support)
  • Python: 3.8 - 3.11



For the most common use case, install the current release version of SparseZoo using PyPi:

pip install sparsezoo

GitHub (Advanced)

For development purposes or advanced use cases, install directly from the GitHub repository:

pip install git+[email protected]

Or from a locally cloned repository:

git clone
cd sparsezoo
git checkout tags/v1.7.0
pip install -e .[dev]