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Version: 1.7.0

I have a Hugging Face model; how do I use it with DeepSparse?

This guide is for people interested in exporting their Hugging Face-compatible LLMs to work in DeepSparse.

Step 1: Install SparseML With Hugging Face Transformers Support

SparseML provides tools for optimizing machine learning models for deployment. To install it along with the necessary support for Hugging Face Transformers, open your terminal and run:

pip install sparseml[transformers]

Note on system requirements

Due to inefficiencies in PyTorch ONNX export, a lot of system memory is required to export the models for inference. There are improvements coming in torch>=2.2 so use the latest version possible.

Step 2: Prepare Your Model

Before exporting your model, you need to download its weights from the Hugging Face Hub.

Use the Hugging Face CLI tool to download the model of your choice. For example, to download the TinyLlama model, run:

huggingface-cli download TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0 --local-dir original_model --local-dir-use-symlinks False

This command saves the model to a directory named original_model in your current working directory.

Step 3: Export the Model to ONNX

Now, you'll export the model to the ONNX format, which is compatible with DeepSparse.

Run the following command to export your model:

sparseml.export --task text-generation original_model/

This process creates a new folder named deployment/ containing the exported model in ONNX format.

Optional: Uploading the Model back to Hugging Face Hub: If desired, you can upload the exported model back to the Hugging Face Hub for easy access or sharing. Replace username/your-model-id with your Hugging Face username and a new model ID.

huggingface-cli upload --repo-type model username/your-model-id-ds original_model/deployment/

Make sure to add the -ds ending and use the deepsparse in your README to make it easy to find compatible models!

Step 4: Run Inference With DeepSparse

After exporting your model, you can run inference using DeepSparse.

  1. Install DeepSparse LLM: Install the DeepSparse library, which is specifically designed for running inference on large language models (LLMs) efficiently.
pip install deepsparse[llm]
  1. Load Your Model and Run Inference: Use the following Python code to load your model and generate a response to a prompt:
from deepsparse import TextGeneration

# Replace the model_path with the path to your exported model or use a model from the DeepSparse Zoo
model = TextGeneration(model_path="path_to_your_exported_model")
prompt = "Your prompt here"

Replace "path_to_your_exported_model" with the actual path to your ONNX model file. If you uploaded your model to the Hugging Face Hub, you can use the model's Hugging Face Hub path instead.

Benchmark Example

Benchmarking was performed on an AWS m7i.4xlarge instance using deepsparse[llm]==1.7 with FP32 dense and sparse Llama models finetuned on GSM8k - full details of those models can be found in the release blog.

These benchmarks used models from SparseZoo, as seen from the prepended zoo:, but you can also use exported models hosted on Hugging Face by prepending with hf: such as hf:neuralmagic/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v0.4-pruned50-quant-ds.

SparsityDecode tokens/sDecode SpeedupPrefill tokens/s (128 token input)Prefill Speedup

Benchmarking commands:

# Decode benchmarking: Time to generate a token aka generated token/s
deepsparse.benchmark --sequence_length 2048 --input_ids_length 1 --num_cores 8 zoo:llama2-7b-gsm8k_llama2_pretrain-base
deepsparse.benchmark --sequence_length 2048 --input_ids_length 1 --num_cores 8 zoo:llama2-7b-gsm8k_llama2_pretrain-pruned50
deepsparse.benchmark --sequence_length 2048 --input_ids_length 1 --num_cores 8 zoo:llama2-7b-gsm8k_llama2_pretrain-pruned60
deepsparse.benchmark --sequence_length 2048 --input_ids_length 1 --num_cores 8 zoo:llama2-7b-gsm8k_llama2_pretrain-pruned70
deepsparse.benchmark --sequence_length 2048 --input_ids_length 1 --num_cores 8 zoo:llama2-7b-gsm8k_llama2_pretrain-pruned80

# Prefill benchmarking: Time to process 128 tokens aka prefill token/s
deepsparse.benchmark --sequence_length 2048 --input_ids_length 128 --num_cores 8 zoo:llama2-7b-gsm8k_llama2_pretrain-base
deepsparse.benchmark --sequence_length 2048 --input_ids_length 128 --num_cores 8 zoo:llama2-7b-gsm8k_llama2_pretrain-pruned50
deepsparse.benchmark --sequence_length 2048 --input_ids_length 128 --num_cores 8 zoo:llama2-7b-gsm8k_llama2_pretrain-pruned60
deepsparse.benchmark --sequence_length 2048 --input_ids_length 128 --num_cores 8 zoo:llama2-7b-gsm8k_llama2_pretrain-pruned70
deepsparse.benchmark --sequence_length 2048 --input_ids_length 128 --num_cores 8 zoo:llama2-7b-gsm8k_llama2_pretrain-pruned80