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Version: 1.7.0

Sparse Fine-Tuning Llama2 7B on GSM8k

This guide details the steps for going from a pre-trained, unoptimized Llama2 7B model to a 50% sparse Llama2 7B model that has been fine-tuned on the GSM8K dataset and recovers fully and goes beyond the dense baseline accuracy.


  • Dense fine-tuning: Finetune the pre-trained, unoptimized Llama2 7B model on the GSM8K dataset from HuggingFace.
  • Oneshot Sparsification: Oneshot sparsify the dense fine-tuned model to 50% sparsity.
  • Sparse finetuning: Further fine-tune the oneshot 50% sparse model on the GSM8K dataset to recover some of the accuracy that is lost during the oneshot sparsification step.


  • Training Environment: A system that meets the minimum hardware and software requirements as outlined in the Install Guide. To replicate the setup used for fine-tuning in this guide, use 4 NVIDIA A100 GPUs for both dense and sparse fine-tuning steps.
  • SparseML LLM Installation: An environment with SparseML for LLMs installed as outlined in the Install Guide.
  • Background: Familiarity with Generative AI and working with large language models is recommended.

Base Model

To obtain an optimized sparse model trained on the GSM8K dataset, we first start with the pre-trained, unoptimized Llama2 7B model. You can obtain this model using the following SparseZoo stub:


Dense fine-tuning

We then fine-tune the above pre-trained dense model on the GSM8K dataset to obtain a model that we can later optimize using sparsification.

accelerate launch \
--config_file example_fsdp_config.yaml \
--no_python sparseml.transformers.text_generation.finetune \
--dataset "gsm8k" \
--dataset_config_name "main" \
--output_dir PATH_TO_OUTPUT \
--splits "train" \
--num_train_epochs 2 \
--precision "bfloat16" \
--gradient_checkpointing True \
--bf16 True \
--learning_rate 0.00005 \
--lr_scheduler_type "linear" \
--max_seq_length 1024 \
--per_device_train_batch_size 32 \
--max_grad_norm 2 \
--warmup_steps 20

Note: Some of these hyper-parameters may need further tuning to enhance the overall accuracy of the fine-tuned model. The values mentioned above were obtained through a quick hyper-parameter search. Parameters that could have a significant impact and are worth considering for tuning include: learning_rate, max_grad_norm, warmup_steps, max_seq_length.

The example_fsdp_config.yaml used above contains the following setup for FSDP. Set the num_processes to the number of GPUs available. For our setup, we used 4 NVIDIA A100 GPUs so we set num_processes to 4.

compute_environment: LOCAL_MACHINE
debug: false
distributed_type: FSDP
downcast_bf16: 'no'
fsdp_auto_wrap_policy: TRANSFORMER_BASED_WRAP
fsdp_backward_prefetch_policy: BACKWARD_PRE
fsdp_cpu_ram_efficient_loading: false
fsdp_forward_prefetch: false
fsdp_offload_params: false
fsdp_sharding_strategy: 1
fsdp_state_dict_type: SHARDED_STATE_DICT
fsdp_sync_module_states: true
fsdp_use_orig_params: false
machine_rank: 0
main_training_function: main
mixed_precision: bf16
num_machines: 1
num_processes: 4
rdzv_backend: static
same_network: true
tpu_env: []
tpu_use_cluster: false
tpu_use_sudo: false
use_cpu: false

Dense fine-tuned model accuracy

Evaluating the dense fine-tuned model on the gsm8k 0-shot task, results in a baseline accuracy of 37.52%. We'll consider this accuracy as our baseline for calculating recovery for the oneshot sparse and sparse fine-tuned models we'll get later. Detailed results are provided below:

"results": {
"gsm8k": {
"acc": 0.3752843062926459,
"acc_stderr": 0.013337170545742932
"versions": {
"gsm8k": 0
"config": {
"model": "sparseml",
"model_args": "pretrained=/cache/shubhra/gsm8k_tutorial/scripts/models/llama7b_dense_gsm8k_linear_e2_gc2_lr5e-5_gpus4/,trust_remote_code=True",
"num_fewshot": 0,
"batch_size": "48",
"batch_sizes": [],
"device": "cuda:0",
"no_cache": true,
"limit": null,
"bootstrap_iters": 100000,
"description_dict": {}

Oneshot Sparsification

Use the dense fine-tuned model obtained above and sparsify it to 50% in a oneshot manner using the command and recipe specified below.


accelerate launch \
--config_file example_fsdp_config.yaml \
--no_python sparseml.transformers.text_generation.oneshot \
--model PATH_TO_MODEL \
--dataset "gsm8k" \
--dataset_config_name "main" \
--concatenate_data OPTIONAL \
--recipe PATH_TO_RECIPE \
--output_dir PATH_TO_OUTPUT \
--splits "train" \
--pad_to_max_length False \
--oneshot_device DEVICE \
--num_calibration_samples 1024 \
--max_seq_len 4096

Note: You may wish to tweak the num_calibration_samples above to obtain better accuracy.


sparsity: 0.5
block_size: 128
sequential_update: False
quantize: False
targets: [

Note: The recipe above uses SparseGPT to oneshot sparsify the model to a uniform sparsity of 50% as specified by the sparsity param.

Alternatively, you could use non-uniform sparsity distribution centered around 50% to oneshot sparsify your model by using the modified recipe below.

sparsity: 0.5
sparsity_profile: "OWL"
owl_m: 5
owl_lmbda: 0.08
block_size: 128
sequential_update: False
quantize: False
targets: [

To learn more about the OWL non-uniform sparsity profile method, visit this link.

Oneshot 50% sparse model accuracy

Evaluating the oneshot 50% sparse model on the gsm8k 0-shot task, results in an accuracy of 33.81% and translates to a 90.11% recovery over our [dense baseline](#Dense fine-tuned model accuracy). In the next step we'll see how to improve the recovery of this model using sparse fine-tuning. Detailed results for the oneshot 50% sparse model are provided below:

"results": {
"gsm8k": {
"acc": 0.33813495072024263,
"acc_stderr": 0.0130308291451722
"versions": {
"gsm8k": 0
"config": {
"model": "sparseml",
"model_args": "pretrained=/cache/shubhra/gsm8k_tutorial/scripts/models/llama7b_oneshot_sparse_oneshot_linear_e2_gc2_lr5e-5,trust_remote_code=True",
"num_fewshot": 0,
"batch_size": "48",
"batch_sizes": [],
"device": "cuda:0",
"no_cache": true,
"limit": null,
"bootstrap_iters": 100000,
"description_dict": {}

Sparse fine-tuning

The one-shot sparse model generated previously can undergo further sparse fine-tuning to enhance its overall accuracy. This process involves distilling information from the previously obtained dense fine-tuned model, which serves as the teacher model, to the one-shot sparse model, acting as the student. This can be achieved using the following command and recipe.


accelerate launch \
--config_file example_fsdp_config.yaml \
--no_python sparseml.transformers.text_generation.finetune \
--model PATH_TO_MODEL \
--dataset "gsm8k" \
--dataset_config_name "main" \
--output_dir PATH_TO_OUTPUT \
--splits "train" \
--num_train_epochs 2 \
--precision "bfloat16" \
--gradient_checkpointing True \
--bf16 True \
--learning_rate 0.00005 \
--lr_scheduler_type "linear" \
--max_seq_length 1024 \
--per_device_train_batch_size 32 \
--max_grad_norm None \
--warmup_steps 20 \
--distill_teacher PATH_TO_TEACHER \


targets: [
start: 0
targets: [
comparison: "square_head"
start: 0
orig_scale: 1.0
distill_scale: 1.0

Note: Some of these hyper-parameters may need further tuning to enhance the overall accuracy of the fine-tuned model. The values mentioned above were obtained through a quick hyper-parameter search. Parameters that could have a significant impact and are worth considering for tuning include: learning_rate, max_grad_norm, warmup_steps, max_seq_length.

Fine-tuned 50% sparse model accuracy

Evaluating the fine-tuned 50% sparse model on the gsm8k 0-shot task, results in an accuracy of 38.59% and shows clear improvement over the [oneshot accuracy](#Oneshot 50% sparse model accuracy). The sparse fine-tuning step not only helped improve over the oneshot accuracy but even surpassed the dense baseline model. Detailed results for the oneshot 50% sparse model are provided below:

"results": {
"gsm8k": {
"acc": 0.3858984078847612,
"acc_stderr": 0.01340907747131918
"versions": {
"gsm8k": 0
"config": {
"model": "sparseml",
"model_args": "pretrained=/cache/shubhra/gsm8k_tutorial/scripts/models/llama7b_sparse_gsm8k_linear_e2_gc0_lr5e-5,trust_remote_code=True",
"num_fewshot": 0,
"batch_size": "48",
"batch_sizes": [],
"device": "cuda:0",
"no_cache": true,
"limit": null,
"bootstrap_iters": 100000,
"description_dict": {}

Evaluation Setup

To evaluate model performance we use lm-evaluation-harness framework. Clone the forked repository with SparseML support and install it:

git clone
cd lm-evaluation-harness
pip install -e .

Evaluate on the gsm8k 0-shot task:

python \
--model sparseml \
--model_args pretrained=MODEL_PATH,trust_remote_code=True \
--tasks $TASK \
--batch_size 48 \
--no_cache \
--write_out \
--output_path "${MODEL_PATH}/${TASK}.json" \
--device "cuda:0" \
--num_fewshot 0